
March News 2025

World Backup Day / Backup Solutions / Windows 11 Backup

Cyber Security Module 8 - Ransomware

World Backup Day 31st March

Your data is very important to you.  Loss of data from damage and data theft will cause you many obstacles with banks, financial organisations to communicating with your clients, friends and family.  World Backup Day is a reminder that every day is a backup day.  There are many ways to complete a backup and it is now more important to have multiple backups.  This includes data backup to an external device such as a USB, External Hard or a Naas.  Other ways of backing up include OneDrive, iCloud, Full Image Backup covered by Managed Services.  When you have been hit by Ransomware, you can keep your money as you have a backup.  When your device has been stolen, lost or damaged, you are secure as you have a backup.

Backup Solutions

Our Managed Services suite provides Businesses with a full backup which works in the background so that you can work uninterrupted.  You can tick this off your list for your Cyber Insurance. 

Windows 11 Time to Upgrade to Ensure you have a Backup

Your Windows 11 PC comes with a one-stop backup solution, Windows Backup, that helps you back up many of the things that are most important to you.  From your files, themes and settings to many of your installed apps and Wi-Fi information.

Check if you can go to Windows 11

If your PC meets the minimum requirements to upgrade from Windows 10 to 11, you should see an option in Windows Update to Upgrade to Windows 11.  If your PC is not able to upgrade, it is time to purchase a new computer. 

Cyber Security Module 8 - Ransomware

Ransomware is a malicious software which locks down your computer so you are unable to access your data until money is paid. 

Be mindful of what you are downloading.  A link for an offer too good to be true via online gaming, email or attachment can carry ransomware software.  Hackers target all users from small to large businesses and home users.  Hackers encrypt your data and demand payment usually in the form of digital currency such as bitcoin and gift cards.

By having a routine backup of your data, when you have been attacked by ransomware, you have no need to pay the ransom.  You can have your computer files restored from your backup.

Be Alert - Avoid visiting suspicious websites or downloading software without IT approval.  Also, avoid opening attachments from an unknown sender or clicking suspicious links that seem too good to be true.

Say Something - If you think you have become a victim of ransomware, notify your IT Support immediately.  The quicker they know about a ransomware issue the higher chance of reducing major damage to your entire network.

Routine Backups - Routinely back up important files and verify that those backups are working.  Backups could save your from having to make some tough decisions, like paying the ransom.

 If you find this news interesting and would like other members added to our distribution list, please call us on 03 63444423


February News 2025 

Back to Business with HP / Safer Internet Day / Cyber Security Module 7 - Secure Browsing

Back to Business with HP

Multitask all your projects with HP.  Powerful processors, graphics cards and spacious memory provide you with the ease of use.  Effortlessly connect and collaborate from anywhere with the auto-framing 5MP camera and improved image quality.  Stay productive when on the go with sleek and compact devices starting from 1.45kg.  Experience all day battery life.

Safer Internet Day Tuesday 11th February

Safer Internet Day is a global day of action bringing communities, schools, organisations and families from more than 180 countries together to raise awareness of online safety issues to work towards a safer internet.  The Australian eSaftey Commissioner leads the day and they are calling on all Australians to help make the internet a safer and more positive place.  We all have a role to play in supporting each other in the use of the internet.  This includes stopping and pausing before going ahead with sharing information, responding to comments and creating online friendships without knowing the person.

5 Tips for a Safer, More Positive Internet

Cyber Security Module 7 - Secure Browsing

Some browsers have changed the way they display sites using HTTPS (secure data transmission).  Rather than showing a lock icon when sites are using HTTPS (like other browsers), they only show you when sites are NOT using HTTPS with a "Not Secure" badge.  If you are using one of these browsers and you can see the "Not Secure" badge on a website you are visiting, you should be on guard and assume that any information you submit to the site can be intercepted.  Check for Spelling Mistakes of a website.  Manually type n the URL into the browser.

Stay Current - Keeping your browser and other software up to date with the latest security patches will help protect you from a wide range of internet based threats.

Check Your Surroundings - When visiting websites, always look for odd URLs, a "Not Secure" badge or any incorrect spelling on the page.

Don't Click - Hackers design offer links to be as tempting as possible.  When something seems too good to be true, it usually is.

Use these principles on all of your devices including mobile phones. 


 If you find this news interesting and would like other members added to our distribution list, please call us on 03 63444423


January News 2025

Celebrate the New Year with Windows 11 / Cyber Security Module 6 - Locking Devices / Windows Handy Hint - Keyboard Shortcuts

Celebrate the New Year with Windows 11

Time to move into Windows 11 with the end of support  approaching - October 2025

As they say "out with the old, in with the new".  This means leaving old things or ideas behind and starting afresh with new things or ideas.  Windows 11 Devices provide you with extra security, time saving tools and the power of AI.  Keep connected with your business, family and friends.

AI-powered features can be used in Windows 11.  Designed to enhance your PC experience and productivity.  These features make Windows 11 more intuitive and more powerful.

Cyber Security Module 6 - Locking Devices

Make sure you lock your PC with a password or pin when you move away from the computer.

When your device has been left unlocked, there is the potential for someone else to use your PC and cause harm.

It is important to have a pin or password on all of your devices. 

Windows Handy Hint - Keyboard Shortcuts

Did you know Windows has Keyboard Shortcuts?

Here is a list of the most common.

·         Ctrl + C (or) Crtl + Insert – Copy the selected item

·         Ctrl + V (or) Shift + Insert – Paste the selected item

·         Ctrl + X – Cut the selected item

·         Ctrl + Y – Redo an action

·         Ctrl + Z – Undo an action

·         Esc – Stoop or leave the current task

·         F2 – Rename the selected item

·         F3 – Search for a file or folder in File Explorer

·         F4 – Display the address bar list in File Explorer

·         F5 – Refresh the active window

·         F6 – Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop

·         PrtScn – Take a screenshot of your whole screen and copy it to the clipboard

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December News 2024

Merry Christmas / Microsoft Handy Hint - How to Select a Picture for your Email / Cyber Security Module 5 Smishing

Merry Christmas

We wish you a very Happy and Safe Christmas.  Thank you for your support over the year.  We look forward to the year 2025.

Microsoft Handy Hint - How to Select a Picture for your Email
Did you know Microsoft 365 comes with a picture library where you can select and insert an image into your emails.  You can also insert pictures from your device.  Send a Merry Christmas Email with your choice of picture.

Step 1.  Start a new email. Add your Message.  "Merry Xmas"

Step 2.  Click on Insert.

Step 3.  Click on Pictures.

Step 4.  Select from the drop down box to choose a picture from This Device, Mobile Device, Stock Images or Online Pictures.

Step 5.  Select the picture and click "Insert".

Step 6.  You can complete a crop to change the size of the picture.

Your email is now ready to send.  You can send to an indvidual or to a group.  Try It!

Cyber Security Module 5 - Smishing
Smishing is short for SMS phishing.  Hackers pretend to be an Organisation, Business, Financial Institution, Family Member or Friend.  They ask for personal information, payment and money.  Hackers use text messages as we are more likely to respond quickly to a text.  The most common smishes appear to be from Australia Post Parcel Delivery, Notifications of Suspicious Activity from Banks, Phone Services, ATO & Government Services.  Hackers can trick you by sending a text message with a link.  They ask you to click on the link to verify your details.

Steph is a florist and uses a mobile Eftpos facility called Triangle.  Steph receives a text message from the merchant advising of suspicious activity and requests Steph to sign into her account by using the link.  Steph clicks on the link and confirms her account details.

After a very busy day selling flowers, Steph checks her account expecting around 50 transactions to be in the bank.  The money isn't there.  Steph immediately calls her bank.  Steph's transactions went to the Hacker's Bank.
Hackers can take your account details and send money to their accounts. Hackers can install malware by a link. They want you to submit sensitive information.They may ask you to call and will then take your information during the call.  They might ask you to Buy a Gift Card.  Advanced Hackers could have your password and send a text for the 2FA code.

Take a pause - Stop Opting Out as the hacker will have confirmation of your phone number and continue to send Smishes.

Anyone can receive a Smish.  Remember it doesn't matter if you are at work or home.  You can still receive a Smish Scam.

Don't reply to the text message.
Don't click on the link.
Don't call.
Check with your organisation, business, family and friends.
Delete the message.

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 November News 2024

Email Problem / Xbox Series X / Microsoft Handy Hint /
Cyber Security Module 4 Gift Card Scams
Email - Unable to Send or Receive

Are you having issues with sending and receiving emails?
We can fix this.
It is frustrating once you know your email hasn't been delivered or you are unable to receive them.  This may be due to an extral layer of security applied to email accounts such as Bigpond, iiNet, Gmail, Yahoo and more, when using Outlook.  This extra security is protecting you, so go with it.  A code needs to be generated which then needs to be installed into outlook and you are up and running.  Make sure you know your password to your email account and give us a call - we can complete the work remotely or instore.
Xbox for Xmas

Xbox Series X with controller and 1TB SSD.  Xobx give you Quick Resume, Faster Load Times, Next-Gen Framerate & True 4K Gaming.  Give us a call for a special price.
Microsoft Handy Hint - How to share an email to Teams

1.  While viewing an email in the OUtlook desktop app, select Share to Teams, located in the toolbar ribbon.

2.  Choose the person, group or channel that you want to share your email.  You can do this by searcing or selecting from the set of suggestions. Suggestions include email recipients, frequent and recent shares to Teams destinations, chats and channels.
Cyber Security Module 4 - Gift Card Scams

Hackers pretend to be someone you can trust, so they can steal your money.

Gift Card Scams can come from a spam email.  The scammer will pretend to be someone asking you to purchase gift cards - they could be pretending to be an Employer, Team Member, Friend or Relative.  They will only deal with email.  Gift Card Scams can also come from a Computer Popup where you need to call a support phone number for your computer to be fixed.  The Popup will usually say that your computer has been locked down and you must have this fixed immediately or you will lose your data.

Scammers will ask you to purchase multiple Gift Cards and ask for the details on the card so they can set up their own account for the gift cards and redeem the $ amount.  In some cases the scammer may stay on the phone while you go to the store to purchase the gift cards.

Take a pause before going ahead and purchasing gift cards for someone else.  Check that the email request is true by physically checking with the person who has made the request.  Don't call the Popup phone number.  Call your IT support team to have the Computer Popup removed.
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October News 2024

Networking / Windows 10 Ending / Cyber Security Module 3 - Generative AI
Networking with Ubiquity
Avoid the WiFi Dropouts and Dead Zones with Ubiquity as it can switch between access points without interruption.
Extend you WiFi / Internet with long distance connections.  These can be more than 15 meters.
Ubiquity Devices are able to provide the extensive internet you need and can cover large areas to medium office and home spaes.  Long distance wireless connection is a speciality of Ubiquity Devices.  Ubiquity supply Routers, Access Points, Door Locks, Scanners, Cameras, Managed Devices and is a progressive networking system.
Highly Reliable, Extensive Configuration Options, Excellen WiFi Coverage, User Friendly Interface - Easy to Manage

Windows 10 Support - 12 Months Left
Support for Windows 10 will end on the 14th of October 2024.  This means your Windows 10 computer will no longer receive Microsoft Security Updates.  You have time to move into a new Windows 11 Device or upgrade to Windows 11 on your current PC if the device meets the requirements.
To check for compatibility, visit us and we can look at your current computer's specifications.
Contact Us to Pre Order Your New Device
Choose from a range of Windows 11 Notebooks, All-In-Ones and Desktops.  We can provide a quote for the Device which best suits your needs.

Cyber Security - Module 3.  Generative AI
Generative AI also known as Gen AI uses aigorithms to generate text that mimics human speech patterns, creating converstations that feel more natural - usually in a chatbot interface.  These chatbots learn from vast amounts of text data and adapt their responses based on context and user input.  Gen AI can be very helpful when you are aware of how to use it.
AI chatbots do not treat everything you tell them as strictly confidential and they share your information.  If this information was available to competitors it could be harmful.
Major's Fried Chicken wanted to grow their business and decided to add Vegan Fried Chicken to their Menu.  An enthusiastic employee used a chat bot to find a chicken vegan recipe.  He wanted the vegan chicken to taste like MFC's Fried Chicken and uploaded the MFC's Fried Chicken Recipe.  The recipe became available to everyone.  People started making the Fried Chicken at home and other stores started selling the Fried Chicken.  Less customers were buying from MFC.
For organisations, you can make it harder for security leaks to happen by only providing access to your data to those "who need to know".
When using AI make sure you are asking the questions and not sharing your information.
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September News 2024

Business IT Support / Device Health Check / Cyber Security Module 2 - Business Email Compromise
Business IT Support
When running a business it is important to ensure your IT needs are looked after.  This includes:
Managed IT Services:  Ongoing Management of IT infrastructure, monitoting and maintenance
Network Setup and Support:  Establishing and maintaining a secure and efficient network
Cyber Security Services:  Protecting your business from cyber threats with firewalls, antivirus and other security measures
Data Backup and Recovery:  Ensuring your data is backed up and can be recovered in case of disaster
Cloud Services:  Managing cloud-based applications and storage solutions
Help Desk Support:  Providing assistance with everyday IT requestsIT support can be provided with onsite visits and remote support.
Our First Assist Business IT Team are dedicated to supporting you and your Business.
Device Health Check
On a regular bais a health check of your device is important to ensure it is running at its full potential.  Work and Home computers can start to run slow, over heat, battery holds less charge, may have viruses and accessing data becomes troublesome.
Our health check includes:
Check of the Operating system
Testing of Memory, Hard Drive and Power
Virus and Spyware Scans
Ensure Antivirus is Current
Check of Programs and Backups to make certain they are up to date

Cyber Security - Module 2 Business Email Compromise
Also known as "BEC" attacks

BEC scams are a growing threat and affect businesses of all sizes.  With a simple targeted email, hackers successfully scam thousands of organisations each year, resulting in billions of dollars in losses, while they remain under the radar.

Hackers can connect to your device using unsecure networks and impostor you in emails.  You may have a deal to be sealed and would normally call the office for the funds to be transferred.  When a email seems urgent the recipient can accidetally transfer money on your behalf before verbally confirming the email is correct.  Hackers will use a variety of social engineering tactics to gain the trust of the recipient to transfer funds.  Modified email domains may also be used to convince you, they are a trusted employee, partner or vendor.  Make sure you are using a secure Wi-Fi / Internet connection and avoid Public Networks.

In some cases, hackers will use external email addresses, which will attempt to copy a trusted source you are familiar with.  These domains look similar.  They may include misspellings, hyphens and other modifications which appear to be legitimate.  Take a Pause.

Make a call to the Employee, Vendor or Client to confirm the email and account details are correct.  Place the request on hold until you have confirmation.

When you believe this is a BEC, make sure you report the incident to your Business, Bank and other involved parties so they can attempt to recover the losses.

A BEC attack can happen to anyone no matter what role you are filling.  It could be Accounts, Purchasing, Customer Service, Management, Leading Hand, Technician and any member who has access to emails.  Always follow your business and personal procedures to check financial requests and report unusual atempts to tranfer funds.

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August News 2024

Cyber Security / Antivirus Protection / Scams Awareness Week
Cyber Security

Over the coming months we are sharing Cyber Security best practices. Everyone is a target for hackers and defending against these threats is crucial.
In Modue 1, we are talking about Phishing. I wish I was talking about the fishing we all love to enjoy. Alas this is serious and I hope you are able to take one tip and use it everyday.

Module 1. What is Phishing?

You receive an email which is advising that your account will be closed or your password will no longer work. It appears to be from a reputable source such as Online Shopping, the Bank, Telephone Service, Internet Service and Government Departments including Australian Tax Office, Australia Post. The email will have urgency and wants you to act quickly by clicking on a link. The Hackers' goal is to steal your sensitive data like credit card and login information or to install malware on devices. This way they can have access to your account details, steal your Identity and take your money.

If you feel something is wrong, it most likely is. Pause... Hover over the email link to check if it is legitimate. Go to the website of the supposed business. Call the business to check if it is a true email from them. If you are unsure of how to use these methods, let us help. Make sure you report the fraudlent email by contacting

Ask for help from your IT Support Group. We are here to answer your call. Share your knowledge with your friends, family and co-workers. Together we can help each other against hackers.

Set up Multi-Factor where a code is sent to your phone and only you have access. It is a second step to gain access to your accounts.

Protecting your sensitive information is your responsibility.
Make a list of the services that have your permission to access your personal and business information. Always ask the question "who needs this information?".

The power is in your hands to recognise and defend against online threats. Develop your cyber sense and be aware of how to protect your information. This is more than a sixth sense it is Cyber Sense. We can protect ourselves through practice, asking questions and pausing.

Anitvirus Protection

Make sure you have a robust antivirus protection on your PC. This protection will detect and remove viruses and malicious malware. These are programs trying to slow down your computer and corrupt your files so that you are unable to acces them. There are many options of antivirus programs available. When you need recommendations on the right one for you, we can assist.

Scams Awareness Week Monday 26th August to Friday 30th August
"Share a Story, Stop a Scam"
Speak up, share and report scams to help others identify, avoid, report and reocover from scams.  Scams Awareness Week is an event to remind us to continue looking after our online security.
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July News 2024

Data Recovery / ACS Care Packs / Windows 11
Data Recovery
You may need a Data Recovery when you are unable to access your Documents, Photos and Files on your Computer, External Hard Drive, USB Thumb Drive or SSD Card.
Failures can be caused by:
    Failing Computer Hard Drives due to Age or Damage
    Power Surges & Power Failures
    Accidental Dropping of the Device
    Liquid Spills
      To Prevent Further Damage - Turn Off the Device and/or remove the External Hard Drive, Thumb Drive or SSD Card.
      Visit Us and we will run our data recovery tools.
      In most cases we can restore the data and transfer the data to a new computer or a new external storage device. We provide a complimentary check and then a quote for completion.

      Another Computer Store Care Packs
      When you are moving into a new computer there is a lot to think
      about. Data transfer, set up of internet, printers, software like Microsoft 365 and your antivirus. Another Computer Store provides Care Packs tailored to your needs. Silver Care Pack is the prepping of the computer ready for use and this includes the windows updates, removal of unnecessary programs, setting up the date & time along with the keyboard.
      Gold Care Pack
      includes all of the Silver Care Pack and data transfer.
      You may need an onsite delivery and setup to ensure you are up and running.  Contact us for a quote.

      Windows 11
      Prepare for Windows 10 End of Support by Upgrading to Windows 11


      For more information on this month's news, feel free to contact us.


      June News 2024

      End of Financial Year / Managed Services / Microsoft 365 &
      Antivirus Renewals
      EOFY, Invest in a Yealink Conferencing Solution

      Yealink WhiteBoard Solutions work with Microsoft Teams in various room sizes.  The Meeting Boards have high quality video and audio to enhance the meeting experience.

      The Yealink 65" Teams MeetingBoard is perfect for Small and Medium Rooms.  Yealink provides a premium and intelligent video experience with a 4K Built-in Camera, High Quality Speaker and Microphone.  This makes it the "All in One" MeetingBoard.
      Auto Framing
      Auto framing recognises the number and the postions of attendees, seemlessly framing everyone with the best view even in small spaces.
      Speaker Tracking
      Speaker tracking frames a real-time close-up on the presenter, brining a vivid face-to-face meeting experience to ensure all team members are well engaged.
      The four level input smart digital ink recognition feature, supports writing with pen tip, navigating with fingers, erasing with pen tail and palm rejection.  More than one person can use Multi-Linking simultaneously.  The Microsoft Teams Whiteboard Cloud Application allows everyone to join in and collaborate from any place.

      Managed Services for Business
      Invest in your Buisiness with Managed Services
      Protect your Business IT with Managed Services.
      Our dedicated Team provides;
      Remote and Onsite Support
      Offsite Backups and Monitoring
      Managed Antivirus and Security

      Office and Antivirus Renewal

      When your receive reminders to renew your Microsoft 365 or Antivirus, give us a call.  In most cases we can complete the renewal with a Remote Session which saves you time.  No need to make a special visit.


      April / May News 2024

      World Password Day / Managed Services Password Support /
      Litte Black Book of Scams

      World Password Day May 2nd
      Time to Change your Passwords
      If you are still using your address or cat's name followed by adding "&!!" to protect your Business & LIfe Savings, then you need to #Layerup.
      This means adding more protection to your online accounts.  There is so much of our Business & Personal information on the internet.  Online Banking, Bill Paying Sites, Online Shopping and More.  Make sure you passwords are solid and start using two step authentication (2FA) or multi factor authentication (MFA).
      Intel created World Password Day in 2013 to address the critical need for solid passwords and to make us take the time to change our passwords regularly by highlighting the need for 2FA and MFA.
      2FA will send a code usually to your mobile device or email.  MFA requires you to use a combination of two ro more of the following factors to access your accounts.  Something you know (e.g. a PIN, Password or Passphrase) and something to have (e.g. Physical Token, Authenticator App, SMS or Email).
      We can help in setting up your 2FA or MFA.

      Managed Services Password Support
      Another IT Group provides First Assist Business IT for Business, which will give you access to a secure password and documentaion system. You have no need to remember your password.  It is securely locked down and available when you need it.  For more information, give us a call or send an email.

      Little Black Book of Scams

      The "Little Black Book of Scams" is always available in store.  Make sure you pick up your complimentary copy.


      March News 2024

       World Backup Day / Backup Solutions / Bigpond Emails

      World Backup Day 31st March

      Be prepared against data loss and data theft.  Sunday 31st of March is the day to backup and better protect your data.

      What Is a Backup?

      A backup is a copy of your important files - for example, your family photos, home videos, doucments and emails for both home and business.

      Why Do You Need a Backup?

      21% of people have never made a backup, 113 phones are lost or stolen every minute, 29% of data loss casses are caused by accident, 30% of computers are infected with malware.

      Backup Solutions

      Online Backup Solutions

      One Drive
      Securely save and share what is important with One Drive. Keep your files and memories protected, up to date and easily accessible across all your devices.  You can create a free account with 5GB of storage.  With your Microsoft 365, you have up to 1TB of storage.

      iCloud has 5GB of free storage.  You can safely store your important photos and files.  With iCloud + , you can upgrade to a range of storage sizes.

      iCloud has 5GB of free storage.  You can safely store your important photos and files.  With iCloud + , you can upgrade to a range of storage sizes.

      Managed Services Backups
      Running a Business means you need a robust and a thorough backup service, along with Cyber Security.  This ensures protection of customer details and business files.  First Assist Business IT from Another IT Group has options which will provide you with confidence that your data is safe.  Discuss your options with our Technicians.
      External Storage Backup
      External Hard Drive with an automated backup which encrypts the data, gives you an extra layer of security.
      NAS -   Backing up to a NAS is another safe way to backup for Small Businesses, Smart Homes and Gamers.  A NAS can convert one or more hard drives into a network storage.

      Is Your Bigpond Email Unable To Receive Or Send?
      Is Your Account Requesting Settings To Be Updated?

      App-specific password - Bigpond have a step which needs to be completed so you are able to use outlook and some mail apps.
      To follow the steps you will need to know your PASSWORD to access Bigpond Webmail.  For a Password Reset, contact Telstra.

      I know my password steps:

      • Log into Bigpond Webmail
      • Click on the 9 dots on the left of  your email address and password
      • Click on the Select "Settings" from the list
      • Click on  "Accounts"
      • Click on  "Generate Password"
      • Provide a name for the password.  EG. "Outlook Laptop" or "John's Surface" this identifies your device
      • Click "Generate"
      • Click anywhere on the rectangle with the password showing and copy it to the clipboard

      This password needs to be applied to email settings and apps which are not working or requesting account settings to be updated.



      February News 2024

      Back to Business / Copilot / Safer Internet Day

      Back to Business with HP

      Keep the Office Running

      When you are starting a new business or upgrading your current IT, we ensure supply, delivery and installatin of all software.  This includes transfer of data from old devices, setting up of networks, printers, backup solutions and all Microsoft licensing.  We are available to fix any issues with your current setup for Home and Business. 

      HP Notebook

      HP ProBook 450 G10  15" Touch Screen, Intel i5 13th Gen, 16gb Memory 512gb SSD,  Expansion - HDMI, USB & USBC, Windows 11 Pro

      HP Notebook

      HP Desktops ranging from small form factor to standard.  CPU i5 to i7, 16gb memory,  512gb SSD,  Expansion - USB, DP, HDM, Windows 11 Pro

      HP Printer

      Professional colour printing at the speed of business.  Support your work team with this high-speed, multi-feature printer, ideal for multiple users.  Print, scan, copy and save time with the HP app shortcuts.  What you see is what you get with HP's precise colour reproduction technology.

      Windows Copilot

       Windows 11 Copilot is an AI-powered productivity tool that helps you get answers and inspiration across the web, supports creativity and collaboration while helping you to focus on the task at hand.  Launch it when you need assistance.  Copilot works alongside popular Microsoft 365 Apps such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams and more.  

      Safer Internet Day Tuesday 6th February

      Connect safely by keeping apps and devices secure and review your privacy settings regularly.

      Reflect on how your actions online may affect others or your safety.  Protect yourself and others by visiting to find out how to stay safe online and report online abuse.  By doing these things and sharing the Connect. Reflect. Protect. message, we can work towards making every day a Safer Internet Day.


      January News 2024

      Back to School  / Windows Tools for Students / Priority Service

      Back to School


      Start the School Year with a New Notebook


      Dynabook X30W-K, 13.3" Touch Screen with Pen, Intel i5, 16gb Memory, 256gb SSD, HDMI, Micro SD Card Slot, USB & USBC, Windows 11


      HP ProBook 450 G10, 14" Touch Screen, Intel i5, 16gb Memory, 256gb SSD, HDMI, USB & USBC, Windows 11


      Lenovo ThinkBook 14, 14" Screen, Intel i5, 8gb Memory, 256gb SSD, HDMI, SD Card Slot, USB & USBC, Windows 11

      Windows Game Changing Tools for Students of Every Ability

      Use These Back-to-School Learning Tools

      Have Extra Help with Maths using Math Assistant in OneNote.  Solve math equations quickly and display step-by-step instructions on how to reach the answer.  Use this as your home work tutor. 

      Help Build Confidence for Budding Readers.  Increase fluency, comprehension and encourage independent reading with Immersive Reader.  Available for free, it reads texts aloud, helps students follow along and even breaks down sentences into their main components.  It can be used with Microsoft Edge and Microsoft Teams.

      Flexibility of Device Matters.  Choosing a device that enables a student to study the way that's best for them is important.  Portability, connectivity and comfort are key in promoting productivity.

      Digital Notetaking is Powerful.  Organise or revise notes after class to make sure information is complete.  Highlight and annotate to draw attention to key points.  Share and collaborate wit others during study sessions.

      Study Hard, Play Hard.  Video games can be a great reward for getting schoolwork done and a great way to have a break and socialise.  With Xbox Game Pass and PC Game Pass, you can access over 100 games on PC - no need for a console.

       PC Health Check
      Free Diagnosis
      Make Sure Devices are Clean of all Viruses

      It is recommended to have a full health check of all devices and this includes checking for viruses.  Viruses are a security risk and can compromise/lock down your data.  We offer a free diagnostics to determin the health of the computer.  Pre-bookings can be made.

      December News 2023

       Christmas / Fun Gifts / Fake Online Shopping Sites

      Merry Christmas and Thank You

      We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  Thank you for supporting Another Computer Store throughout the year.  Due to your loyalty, we continue to grow and prosper in the world of Information and Technology.

      Treat yourself to new Gaming, with the Xbox Series X Bundle.  Maybe a new Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor, PC or Headset for your everyday use.

      Online Christmas Shopping

      How to Identify a Fake Retail Website

      • It has an unusual URL (web address) the address should begin with https: instead of http: and numbers have been used instead of letters, such as 1 insteal of L
      • Prices are too good to be true
      • It has poor quality content or an unusual layout
      • It has poor phrasing or no contact details
      • It has unusual payment methods - such as Bitcoin or Bank Transfer
      • The reviews are Damning
      • It doesn't have an ABN or the ABN doesn't match the Business Name
      • The website was created recently - check by entering the domain name or URL into a lookup service

      The LIttle Black Book of Scams, continues to be available in our store, visit today for your complimentary copy.

      Another Computer Store will be on holidays Monday 25th, Tuesday 26th December and Monday 1st Janauary.  Open as usual Monday to Friday 8am to 5:30pm for business days.

      For more information on this month's news, feel free to contact us.

      November News 2023

      Being Aware of Scams
      Scams are taking your Identity and your Money


      Impersonation Scams

      What is an Impersonation Scam?

      • Scammers pretend to be trusted businesses, friends or family to steal your money or your personal information
      • They can reach you on all mediums such as text message, websites, social media, email and phone calls
      • Scammers often pretend to be government officials, well-known companies, charities, celebrities, law enforcement or even family and friends

      Methods of Impersonation

      Impersonation scams are becoming increasingly sophisticated and therefore hared to identify

      • Scammers can use technology to make their calls appear to come from a legitimate phone number
      • Their texts can appear int he sam conversation thread as genuine messages from an organisation
      • Websites for legitimate organisations can be cloned to look like the real thing
      • Emails can be sent with fake sender addresses to appear to come from trusted sources
      • Social media profiles can be established using another person or organisation's details and images
      • Documents can be forged to make you think you're dealing with a real person or business
      • Impersation scammers may know or claim to know some information about you and use this to convice you they are legitimate

      The National Anti-Scam Centre Works with government, industry, other regulators, law enforcement bodies and community orgnanisations, to make it more difficult to scam.

      The Little Black Book of Scams is a handy too, published by the Centre

      The best way to protect yourself is through awareness and education.

      The Little Black of Scams is recoginsed internationally as an important tool for consumers and small businesses to learn about scams including

      • Most common scams to watch out for
      • Different ways scammers can contact you
      • Tools scammers use to trick you and the warning sings
      • How to protect yourself
      • Where you can find help

      For your complimentary Little Black Book of Scams,visit Another Computer Store

      When you are uncertain about any requests needing you to call the phone number, subscribe, confirm your delivery address, register or pay - please contact us before going ahead.

      Never give remote access to your Computer unless it is from the Another Computer Store Team or you have made the first contact. When you have made the contact with the supplier and the transaction has been resolved, be prepared you will receive scam calls saying they are from the same organisation.

      For more information on this month's news, feel free to contact us.

      October News 2023

      Email Changes / Gaming / Wireless Solutions
      Email Changes
      TPG, iiNet & Internode - Action required by Thursday 30th November
      Bigpond (Tesltra) to advise of end date
      There are changes to certain Email Providers. To make sure you have continued access to your emails, history, contacts and calendar, action is required.
      TPG, iiNet & Internode
      You can opt-in to transfer your ISP email address to the "The Messaging Company".  This company will become your new email provider.  If you miss the date your email will no longer be available.  Keep a look out for an email requesting you to Opt In and follow the link or visit your ISPs webiste.
      Bigpond (Telstra)
      There are plans for Tesltra to remove the Bigpond Email Service.
      The date is to be confirmed.
      We recommend you explore an alternative provider.
      For Business, a hosted provider is the ideal option.
      All email customers - Please do a check of services which have your current email address including 2FA codes linked to your accounts.
      Your email address will need to be updated to continue receiving 2FA codes as you could be locked out of your accounts.
      Some examples of services include;  Government (My Gov), Aurora Energy, Account Packages, Microsoft, Netflix and eBay.
      Another Computer Store is available to assist with your queries and a solution.
      Gaming with XboxSeries X or PC

      Would you like to up your gaming experience?  Xbox or a PC are a great device to play your favourite games, along with the newly released Starfield.  Faster Load Times, Quick Resume Time and True 4K Gaming.

      XBOX Series X

      • CPU 8X Cores 3.8GHz Zen2
      • 16GB GDDR6 Memory
      • 1TB Custom NVME SSD
      • 12 TFLOPS, 52 CUs @1.825 GHz Custom RDNA 2 GPU Graphics
      • Dolby Digital 5.1 Sound


      •  CPU i5 13600KF 3.9GHz
      • 32GB DDR Memory
      • 1TB NVMe SSD
      • PNY nVidia GeForce RTX 4070 12GB Graphics

      PC Internal Clean

      Make sure your current Gaming Rig, Desktop or Notebook is in good health with an internal clean and dust removal. This ensures the airflow is working to maintain your computer's temperature.

      Wireless Solutions for Home and Business

      UniFi is a powerful and intuitive system enabling an end-to-end experience for all of your IT needs.  When paired with specially designed hardware, you will have control over you Network, WiFi, Security Cameras, VoIP Phones, Door Access, Smart Lighting, Digital Signage and much more.

      UniFi Network - Receive insights into you network with real-time traffic dashboards, visual topology maps and smart tips on how you can optimise your network.
      UniFi Protect - An AI-driven camera platform with smart detection giving you easy control over recording schedules, camera access and notifications.
      UniFi Talk - A plug and play phone system and VoIP subscription service with powerful call routing and admin features to ensure your never miss a call.
      UniFi Connect - A simple management system to support your digital signage, lighting, electric vehicle charging stations and your Point of Sale.

      For more information on this month's news, feel free to contact us.


      September News 2023

      IT Business Support / Teams /  Microsoft 365

      Small Business IT Support
      Would you like more time to focus on the things you do best?
      Are you using your valuable time in supporting and fixing your IT instead of looking after your customers?


      Small Business & Home Office IT support is our Speciality
      • Supply and Install of Computers, Printers, Software and VoIP
      • Managed Antivirus, domain Hosting and Microsoft 365
      • Fully Managed Backups & Managed Antivirus
      • Onsite Setups and Ongoing IT remote support


      Stay connected when working from any location, in the office, on the go or at home with voice and video calls with Teams.

      You can now use Teams to make and receive calls to and from Lan Lines and mobile phones with Teams Phone.  Use a headset connected to your computer of the Teams app on your mobile phone or the traditional handset such as Yealink.

      More functionality with;

      • IVR
      • Voicemail
      • Call Forwarding
      • Call Transfer
      • Conference Calls
      • Call Queues
      • Music on Hold

      Microsoft 365

      Let us set up your Subscription or Renewal

      The Suite Provides;

      • Outlook  Email and Calendar in once place, send, receive and manage your email.  Use Outlook's built-in calendar to keep track of appointments and events  
      • OneDrive  Access and protect your files, share and collaborate from any device at anytime
      • Word  Write like a pro with spelling, grammar and punctuation checks at your finger tips
      • Excel  Save time with enhanced tools for experts and beginners.  Organise your data, create spreadsheets from templates using modern formulas and choose from numerous charts for your presentations
      • Onenote  The place to make your notes, jot down ideas and create.  Stay organised when you divide your notes into sections, pages and easily share with your team
      • Powerpoint  Create slide presentations with ease.  Insert 3D objects and embedded animations directly into Powerpoint from your own files or a library of available content
      • Editor  Write clearly and concisely across social media, email and documents.  Use Editor in Word, Outlook, Gmail, Linkedin, Google docs and many other applications
      • Teams  Stay connected with your Team through file sharing, instant chat and collaboration

      For more information on this month's news, feel free to contact us



      August News 2023

      Windows 10 Ending / PC Health Check / Managed Services

      Windows 10 will no longer be supported from 14th October 2025.

      Time to check if your device is windows 11 ready or move into a new device.  Free consultation to work out what your next steps are.

      Free Consultation to work out what your next steps are.

      Minimum specifications are:  Intel CPU 8th Gen or AMD Zen 2, 4GB Memory, 64GB of Storage

      Windows 11 offers great Benefits

      • Maximise your productivity with access to all your apps and multi task with tools such as Snap layouts
      • Discover new ways to connect with Microsoft Teams, - call and chat for free
      • Content created by you - quickly stay up to date with news, information and entertainment
      • Playtime Anytime wit a new level of graphic capabilities
      Time for a Computer Health Check

      When was the last time your Computer had a service?

      Like many modern machines, computers need regular checks and maintenance, to keep them running in top condition and ensure your data is safe. It is recommended to have a PC health check every 6 months.  Our health checks include

      • Check of the Windows / iOS Operating System
      • Testing of Memory, Hard Drive and Power
      • Virus and Spyware Scans
      • Ensure Antivirus is Current
      • Check Programs and Backups are up to date
      • Internal Clean

      If you notice your computer is slowing down, crashing, not responding, freezing or making unusual noises or sounds, please contact us to arrange a health check to minimise potential damage and loss of information.

      Managed Services

      Are you operating a Business?

      We provide Managed IT Services such as;

      • Helpdesk - a friendly IT helpdesk at your service
      • Security - Defence Software Management
      • Backup - Seucrity
      • Domain Hosting
      • Vendor Management
      • Onsite and Offsite Solutions
      • Secure Password Managment
      • Monitoring of your IT and Cloud Infrastructure
      • IT Planning - Regular IT catch ups on budgets/planning


      July News 2023

      Data Recovery / HP 13th Gen / ACCC National Scam Centre

      • Computer isn't recognising a USB, External Hard Drive or SSD Card
      • You may need a data recovery

      Failures can be caused by:

      • Power Surges & Power Failures
      • Accidental Drops of the Computer and Storage Devices
      • Liquid Spills
      • Corruption, Bugs, File Damage
      • Accidental Deletion of Files
      • System Re-Installs

      What to do:

      • Turn Off the Device
      • Remove your External Hard Drive, USB Thumb Drive or SD card

      When your storage device is failing - stop using
      More damage can occur each time you try to access the data.

      Visit Us and we will attempt to retrieve your data with special tools

       Great time to Celebrate the New Financial year with HP notebooks, 13th Gen CPUs

      HP notebooks with intel 13th Gen CPU gives outstanding performance.

      With more power you can complete those demanding workloads, giving you more time to create.

      Did you know there is a National Anti-Scam Centre?

      The National Anti-Scam Centre launched on 1 July 2023 and will build its information sharing capabilities over the next 3 years.The centre brings together experts from government and the private sector to tackle harmful scams.
      Together, we’re making it harder for scammers to take money and information from Australians.

      To report a scam please visit Scam Watch



      June News 2023

      Celebrate End of Financial Year

      Take advantage of the instant tax write off with our one stop shop, from supply of Computers, Monitors, Printers, Microsoft, Antivirus to Backup Solutions for your business and home needs.

      Apple - Think Differently

      With the most powerful tools for business, you can solve any problem more creatively, complete tasks more simply and collaborate with your team like never before.  It's work, only better.

      Easy, intuitive with built-in features and apps, iPad and Mac help you work seamlessly between projects and places without missing a beat.

      PC Sales, Upgrades & Repairs

      Fully Equipped Workshop with Experienced Technicians

      • Solid State Hard Drive Upgrades
      • Dust Clean Out
      • Mother Board and Graphics Card Installs
      • Screen Repairs
      • Boot and Windows Fixes
      • Assembly of Gaming Builds

      Did you know Another Computer Store has been running off solar for over 2 years?

      As a Tasmanian owned and operated business, it gives us great pleasure to contribute to looking after Tassie's environment.  Thank you to CNW for the supply and Tasmanian Electrical Services for the install.


      May News 2023

      Microsoft Office
      End of Support for Office 2007, 2010, 2013 & 2106 for Mac

      It is time to move to Microsoft 365.  This will ensure you have security updates, online help and access to great tools.  Keep your outlook emails and documents running.  The team can check your version of office to assist you in your upgrade.
       World Password Day Thursday 4th May
      Time to Change Your Passwords 
      Using and reusing simple passwords makes our life easier and also makes it easier for hackers to login into your accounts.  When your accounts have been compromised, Attackers often sell the details on the Dark Web.

      Keep Attackers out of your Accounts with Hard to Remember Passwords
      Make sure your Passwords are Strong
      • At Least 12 Characters Long
      • A Combination of Uppercase and Lowercase Letters, Numbers and Symbols
      • Create New Passwords which are Completely Different from Previous Passwords
      • Change Passwords Immediately if you Suspect you may have been Compromised
      • Set up Two Factor Authentication (2FA) - a code is generated after you have accessed your accounts with your user ID and Password which only goes to you
      PC Running Slow
      Do you have time to boil the kettle while waiting for your computer to turn on?
      A diagnosis to determine why your device is running slow will identify the issue and the solution.
      Fixes may include;
      • Upgrade from a Mechanical Hard Drive to a Solid State Hard Drive - this will extend the life of your computer.  Expected time for your PC to turn on is 7-8 seconds
      • Virus Removal
      • Upgrade to Greater Storage Capacity
      • Removal of Unnecessary Programs
      • Internal Clean
      • Software Driver Installs
      • Windows Installs
      No appointment required to have your PC checked.


      March News 2023

      Changes to Google Chrome

      Time to upgrade your device - Google Chrome no longer provides security and technical support to users of google chrome on Devices running windows 7, 8 and 8.1.  This means you will need to upgrade to Windows 10 or 11.  This will ensure you receive the latest security updates for the Chrome Browser.  Visit Another Computer Store to have your PC checked.

      World Backup Day Friday 31st March

      Take the pledge and complete a backup of your important files. 

      "I solemnly sweat to backup my important documents and precious memories on March 31st."

      At work and home, keep you photos, videos, documents and emails in a safe place.  Protect your data from accidents and theft.  Backups for your computer and phone are vital to ensure you are protected.

      • Cloud Backup such as One Drive, Drop Box or iCloud
      • External Hard Drive Backup
      • Nas Backup
      • USB Thumb Drive Backup
      • Mac Time Machine Backup
      For more information on how to create a Backup - contact us.


      February News 2023

      Back to Business

      February sees the business world return to work in full swing.  When you need an office setup or upgrade, then contact us for expert advice.

      • Supply of Computers, Printers, Monitors
      • Internet Setup and Supply of Routers
      • Onsite Delivery and Installation
      • Software Installs such as Microsoft and Antivirus
      • Current Computer Upgrades
      • Data Transfer from Old to New
      • Full Data Backups
      • IT Managed Services
      Highlight for this Month is Safer Internet Day Tuesday 7th February
      Safer Internet Day is a global event that brings together communities, families, schools and organisations, from more than 200 countries to help create safer online spaces.
      This worldwide initiative is celebrating 20 years in 2023, making it a great time to reflect as well as look forward.
      Technology has evolved dramatically in the past two decades and the benefits have been huge.
      These developments have also exposed us to many risks with real-world impacts, making online safety awareness even more important. 
      That's why eSafety Commissioner is calling on everyone to
      Connect. Reflect. Protect.
      Connect safely and with purpose - by keeping apps and devices secure and using social media in positive ways.
      Reflect before we act - by taking a moment to consider the effect on others of what we do and say online.
      Protect ourselves and others by taking action - by telling family, friends or colleagues about eSafety and how they can help.
      By doing these simple things, we can work towards making every day a Safer Internet Day.

      January News 2023

      Start the school year with a high performing computer and accessories.  You can go from education to recreation with ease.

      The Lenovo thinkbook 13s 13.3" is very light weight with intel i5 8gb Ram and 256 SSD, Windows 10 Pro - Windows 11 ready.

      For exceptional sound the Logitech Headset H340 has crystal-clear digital sound.  Your internet calls, music and videos will sound better than they ever have.  Noise cancelling, flexible microphone and lightweight comfort design.



      Look after your laptop and school items with Everki Topload Backpack.  Water and dust Proof which gives you the confidence, your school gear is well protected.


      December News 2022

      December is the Time for Celebration

      We wish you a very Merry and Safe Xmas. 

      Another Computer Store will be on Christmas Holidays Saturday 24th to Tuesday 27th December and Monday 2nd January 2023.  The Team wish you a very happy holiday.

      Another Computer Store is proud to support Special Children's Christmas Party being held in Launceston and Hobart.  Great to have the parties back, putting smiles on the faces of children.



      November News 2022

      Scams Awareness Week 7th November to 11th November

      Scammers are continually developing new ways to catch people out and we need to increase our vigilance in checking for those little clues that can alert us that something is a scam.

      Learn Ways To Identify Scams

      • This is about when it will happen so make sure you are prepared
      • Take the time to check whether an offer or contact is genuine before you act on it
      • Store your passwords and account details in a safe palace
      • Have a good backup of your data
      • A robust antivirus is great for protecting you from online potential threats
      • Never pass on money to anyone you cannot confirm

      Scammers are real people who are paid to take money from others. They present themselves in a very professional manner so that you are entrapped into believing they are providing a legitimate service. Make sure you never let anyone remote into your computer unless you can confirm they are your IT professional. Banks, IT/Phone services and Microsoft will never call you first. If you have made a call, ask for a reference number if you expect a return call. The job must be initiated by you first. If you have an unusual call, hang up and call Another Computer Store as we will give you advice on what to do and what not to do. When you have accidentally let a scammer have remote access to your computer - in most instances we can recover your data and clean up your PC.


      October News 2022

      Game On

      Step into the world of make believe with your own gaming PC

      • Enjoy gaming with your friends
      • Stay connected
      • Great for reflexes, problem solving and so much fun

      Build your own PC in our workshop with your Technician

      It maybe your first time for gaming or you might be looking to upgrade your current PC.  We can help with the selection of Computer Components for your own customised Computer.

      Cases, PSUs, Graphic Cards, Motherboards, RAM, SSDs, Coolers and CPUs now available.


      September News 2022

      Would you like more time to focus on your customers?

      Frustrated with trying to set up IT for your Business?
      Is it causing delays in doing what you want to do?
      Are you wasting time trying to set up your IT for your Office and Home?

       Small Business IT is our Speciality and you can have

      • Supply and install of Computers, Printers, Software and Mobile Devices
      • Onsite SetupOnsite Setup
      • Internet/VoipInternet/Voip
      • Fully Managed Backups & Managed Antivirus Fully Managed Backups & Managed Antivirus
      • Domain Hosting, including registering of .au


      August News 2022

      Time for a Computer Health Check

      When was the last time your computer had a service?

      Like many modern machines, computers need regular checks and maintenance, to keep them running in top condition.

      How often does your computer need a health check?

      For regular users, it is recommended every 6 months.
      For less frequent users a yearly service is recommended. Health checks are a great way to make sure that your computer stays healthy and safe.
      Our health checks include

      • Check of the Windows Oeprating System
      • Memory, Hard Drive and Poser
      • Internal clean
      • Antivirus
      • Programs
      • Backups
      • Virus and Spyware scans

      If you notice your computer is slowing down, crashing, not responding, freezing or making unusual noise or sound, please contact us to arrange a health check to minimise potential damage.




      July News 2022

      Need to access your data or move from and an Old PC to New,

      then we can help.

      Data Recovery & Data Transfer

      When you hear the unusual clicking sound from your hard drive and you are unable to see your photos or documents, it is usually the first sign of a failing hard drive. In most cases data recovery and transfer to a new computer or an external hard drive is successful. We have data recovery tools which can work for computers, external hard drives, USB drives and SD cards.

      Planning on moving from old to new computer then we have your covered with our ACS care packs.

      ACS Silver Care Pack

      • System Configuration and Compliance check
      • Installation of the latest Security Updates and Service Packs
      • Installation of common programs such as Adobe Reader, Chrome
      • Removal of Bloatware and Trials
      • Serial Number Recording
      • 30 day Unconditional Exchange Period
      • Batteries Charged
      • Sound Tested
      • Network Tested – Ethernet/Wireless
      • Activation and Registration of the OS
      • Remote Access Enabled
      • Secure Sites Tested
      ACS Gold Care Pack
      • Includes all of the Silver Care Pack
      • Data Transfer from Old device to New Device
      • Installation of Software purchased from ACS such Microsoft office and Antivirus
      • Set up of Emails
      • Set up of Web Browsers, Bookmarks & Favourite

      Contact us for more information. 



      May News 2022

       Thursday 5th May is World Password Day

      It is a reminder to change your passwords to protect your identity.
      Take the World Password Day Pledge and share these tips.
      Use a password that is Long and Strong
      Use a combination of letters, numbers & symbols
      Use uppercase and lowercase letters
      Don't use expected words e.g. pet's name, street address, spouse's name
      Change passwords every 3-6 month


      Annual Truck Run Sunday 13th March Longford Show Grounds Supporting the Flying Doctor Service

      December is the Season to Celebrate

      The Ultimate Gaming Build Experience

      If you, your children or grandchildren are interested in gaming, then we have just the thing for you. Have fun with a hands on experience, by choosing your PC components and then build it in Another Computer Store's workshop with your own technician.  A perfect gift for all seasons.






      Key Scam Statistics (how bad is it and who is being targeted)?
      Scams cost Australian consumers, businesses and the economy hundreds of millions of dollars each year and cause serious emotional harm to victims and their families.

      Key trends
      • There has been a 95.4% increase in losses since this time last year.
      • Scamwatch has received record levels of phishing scams reports in 2021.

      Common scam types being reported in 2021 include:

      • Flubot scams manifest as victims receiving a text message claiming that they have a missed call,and providing a link to click to listen to the voicemail. If the victim clicks the link, the malware will be downloaded to their device and sent on to all their contacts.
      • Remote access scams, scammers pretend to be from well-known organisations such as Telstra, eBay, NBN Co, Amazon, banks or computer and IT support organisations and create a sense of urgency to make you give them access to your computer.We have also recently seen pop-ups being used, claiming to be from Microsoft or other tech companies, telling the user there is a problem with their computer and to click on the pop up ‘to receive assistance’.
      • Investment scams, losses to cryptocurrency scams are the highest of all
        types of investment scams.  The scammer pressures the person to invest more over time before claiming the money is gone or ceasing communicatio and blocking access to the funds.
      • Threats, scammers claim to be from the government or law enforcement and claim there are issues with a person’s tax file number and/or bank accounts, or that they have intercepted a package addressed to the person linking them to criminal activity. Threats to life, arrest or other threats are then used to extract money from the victim.

      Why Is It Important To Talk About Scams?

      Many people who experience a scam never report it to anyone.  This year’s campaign focuses on encouraging everyone to have conversations about scams, as this not only helps to reduce stigma around the topic but can prevent scams from happening in the first place, or help people get out of a scam sooner. Every individual can help prevent and disrupt scams by starting the conversation with their friends, family, loved ones, and colleagues or even with strangers.

      Protect Yourself

      • Be alert to the fact that scams exist.
      • When dealing with uninvited contacts from people or businesses, whether it's over the phone, by mail, email, in person or on a social networking site, always consider the possibility that the approach may be a scam.
      • If a message or email comes from a friend and it seems unusual or out of character for them, contact your friend directly to check that it was really from them.
      • Do not open suspicious texts, pop-up windows or click on links or attachments in emails – delete them: If unsure, verify the identity of the contact through an independent source such as a phone book or online search. Don't use the contact details provided in the message sent to you.
      • Don't respond to phone calls about your computer asking for remote access – hang up.
      • Keep your personal details secure.
      • Keep your passwords and pin numbers in a safe place.
      • Be very careful about how much personal information you share on social media sites.
      • Protect your WiFi network with a password and avoid using public computers or WiFi hotspots to access online banking or provide personal information.
      • Don’t use the same password for every account/profile and don’t share your passwords with anyone.
      • Review your privacy and security settings on social media.
      • Be wary of unusual payment requests. Scammers will often ask you to use an unusual payment method, including preloaded debit cards, gift cards, iTunes cards or virtual currency such as Bitcoin.
       Educate Yourself About Scams
      • If you are unsure visit the Scamwatch website for more information about scams.
      • Should you believe you have been scammed report it immediately and do not hesitate to reach out for help.

      Make Sure Your Computer is Safe

      We have a fully supported BUSINESS GRADE Antivirus Solution for all customers.


      It is a Managed Antivirus which reports directly to a central dashboard, allowing our Another Computer Store Team to pro-actively manage potential threats to proactively manage potential threats.

      It looks for suspicious behaviour such as encrypting files or scanning of credit card numbers and provides Identity Theft Protection from phishing sites.

      Installation, Managing and Renewing are covered by First Assist and we can offer guaranteed support if your computer becomes infected, that we will remove the virus and repair any damage at no cost. Available as a monthly or yearly subscription.

      Unsure if your computer is safe, book it in for a health check.



      September News 2021

      All Devices Need a Service


        To Increase Speed, Efficiency and Performance
        To Remove Unwanted Viruses & Malware
        To Ensure the Hard Drive is working to Optimum Speed
        To Check Memory Performance
        Ensure the latest version of the Operating System is up to date
        There is no cost to diagnose your device so make your booking today

        Depending on the Diagnosis We Can
        • Upgrade the Hard Drive to a Solid State
        • Increase the RAM
        • Install latest versions of Software
        • Move to Microsoft 365
        • Complete Operating System Updates
        Did You Know?
        Support for Office 2007 & 2010 has ended and there will be no extended security updates. You could expose yourself to serious and potentially harmful security risks.
        Office which includes outlook for email, word and excel has moved to Microsoft 365.

        When you move to Microsoft 365 you will have access to all your favourite apps which help you stay connected with work, family, and friends. You are able to work seamlessly on multiple devices with access to files and programs. Secure cloud storage and automatic upgrades are also some of the benefits.

        There will be a free upgrade rolled out on a staggered approach for devices which are Windows 11 ready.
        The minimum specifications required for Windows 11 ready are; Intel CPU 8th Gen or AMD Zen 2, 4GB Memory, 64GB of Storage.
        Visit us and we can check your PC to see if it meets the specs.

         Other Services from Another IT Group

        • Remote and Onsite Servicing
        • Individual Tailored Tutorials
        • Managed Services
        • Device Repairs including Mobile Phones
        • Sales of Computers, Monitors, Printers and Phones
        • Custom Gaming Builds


        What's new August 2021

        Windows 11 is On Its Way

        New to Windows
        • Maximise your productivity with access to all your apps and multi task with tools such as Snap layouts
        • Discover new ways to connect with Microsoft Teams - call and chat for free
        • Content created by you - quickly stay up to date with news, information and entertainment
        • Playtime Anytime with a new level of graphic capabilities

        Your device maybe Windows ready. Minimum specifications are;
        Intel CPU 8th Gen or AMD Zen 2, 4GB Memory,64GB of Storage.
        Have your computer/device checked by our team to see if it is Windows 11 ready

        The New Dynabook (Toshiba) is a device which is Windows 11 ready.
        If it is time to upgrade to a new notebook then the Dynabook which is Windows 11 compatable, is the PC for you.
        You can purchase Dynabook with confidence, knowing that Another Computer Store is the Tasmanian Dynabook Service Centre.

        Things to do this month

        Time to book your PC in for it's annual service and health check
        This includes;

        • Check of the Windows Operating System
        • Memory, Hard Drive and Power Health Check
        • Internal Clean
        • Antivirus
        • Programs
        • Backups

        For more information, contact us or visit.



        Monday, 26th October 2020

        Letter from the Director

        For over 25 years Another Group Pty Ltd has been Trading as Another Computer Store.

        Since February this year Covid-19 has provided many challenges to most IT companies in the world including ours but, as the saying goes “Every challenge has a silver lining”.

        The silver lining for us has been the need to streamline what we do and how we communicate it.

        As a result, the parent company Another Group Pty Ltd will now trade as Another IT Group.

        There will be no change in the bank account details. We will continue to use the purchasing power that being a part of the national Leading Edge Group gives us and 164 Bathurst Street will continue to be the operations center for the company.

        There will now be 4 divisions operating under Another IT Group.

        Another Computer Store The provider of parts and service to our retail and business clients delivered through the showroom and workshop that you are all familiar with.

        First Assist This division will continue providing managed services to our enrolled business clients.

        Cloud Solutions Tasmania will be responsible for providing the best in cloud-based business software. Secure, world class solutions that can be relied upon to allow you to do what you need to do whenever you need to do it, without interruptions.

        Smarter Networking Solutions will supply, and project manage the installation of surveillance products, VoIP software and hardware and wireless products that suit both short and long-range networks wherever you need them.

        I would like to acknowledge the hard work that every member of our team has put into developing this important step in our business growth.

        I would especially like to thank all our clients for your loyalty over the many years that you have depended on us to be your trusted IT supplier.

        Kind Regards,

        Leesa Austin & Geoff Daw
        Another Group Pty Ltd


        Monday, 17th August 2020

        Monday, 6th July 2020

        Ask Us...We're Your Local Experts

        Another Computer Store are your local experts when it comes to the important things, and we can offer exactly that. Contact us for more information.


        Protection for your PC  Set-up your connected home                                          Support you while you network



        Assist you in choosing a new computer  Attend to your service and repair needs.     Help you improve your productivity


        Monday 22nd June 2020

        First Responders Day

        To say thank you to Australia’s First Responders for their hard work keeping us safe during the COVID-19 crisis, we’re supporting Australian Retailers Association #FirstRespondersDay by making you our number one priority for any service sales.



        Monday, 30th March 2020

        Protecting You, Protecting Us - Business for the Future


        Another Computer Store continues to provide essential Communication and IT Services.  We are open for Business and continue to follow the recommended guidelines of social distancing.


        Stay at home and connect with your family, friends, school and customers. We can:

        • Offer you Remote Support where you share your computer with your technician.
        • Have your Microsoft Office and Antivirus renewed.
        • Connect your computer to your printer via WIFI.
        • Set up of video conferencing with Skype, Teams or Zoom.
        • Help with your Office, Email and other Computer Programs.


        When you visit, Social Distancing of 1.5 meters has been clearly marked in our showroom to protect you and us. Alcohol based hand sanitisers are available on service counters and showroom reception desks. Your computer and equipment will be sanitised at the start and finish of the job. Pickup and Delivery service can be arranged and you can make an appointment, prior to visiting the store.

         Keep safe and well.


        Saturday, 22nd February 2020


        Join us this Saturday 22nd February 2020 from 10am to 12pm for our E-Waste Event.
        If you have old equipment which you no longer use then visit us and use our Free Recycling "Dropzone" at 164 Bathurst Street, Launceston.
        Items will be recycled as part of the national MRI program to avoid E-Waste going to landfill.
        We are accepting these Items only.

        *Computers *LCD Monitors

        *Laptops *Tablets

        *Servers *Mobile Phones

        *Land line Phone *Hubs

        *Switches *Cables *Modems

        *TV’s Flat Panel (excludes CRTs)

        *Mice *Keyboards

        *Network *Devices *Network Cables

        We hope to see you on Saturday!



        November 2019



        May 2019

        Recently Another Computer Store has provided the technology to extend wireless for long distances.  Installs have been completed for Business and Homes.




        December 2018

        Scamwatch is warning people to be careful about being caught out by holiday season scams.

        Here are three common holiday season scams people should look out for:

        • Online shopping scams: scammers will set up fake online stores or post goods for sale in buy‑swap-sell groups or online classified sites to trick people into buying items that don’t exist.
        • Travel scams: scammers trick people into believing they’ve won a holiday or scored a really good deal on a travel package, like a cruise.
        • Parcel delivery scams: scammers may ask you to print off a label, do a survey, claim a prize, or view the status of your delivery by clicking on a link or downloading an attachment. Some scammers may even call or text with claims about an unsuccessful delivery. These scams are aimed at getting people to download malware onto their computer, or give up their personal information.

        Scamwatch has also seen a massive influx of reports and money lost to tax scams.

        This is an unusual holiday season scam.  A lot of people are getting calls from scammers pretending to be from the tax office or the police and threatening them with arrest over unpaid tax debts.  If you every receive a call or email containing threats, hang up the phone or delete the email.

        The key to avoiding a scammer's con this holiday is to use scepticism and do some research.

        Ms Rickard added that the key to avoiding a scammer’s con these holidays is a healthy dose of scepticism and research.

        “We love snagging a great deal online for a loved one’s Christmas present and the idea of a bargain holiday is perfect for many after a long year. But don’t fall for it,” Ms Rickard said.

        “Be sceptical about an online store you haven’t used before. Do some research to see if they’re legitimate and don’t be fooled by big discounts. With travel deals, call the accommodation provider directly, for example the cruise line or hotel, to check if the deal is legitimate.”

        “If you see a seemingly great deal on an accommodation rental website like Airbnb, make sure you only communicate and pay through the official site to avoid getting stung by a fake listing,” Ms Rickard said.

        “We’re all expecting parcels this time of year but be careful about online links and never download attachments. If you’re wondering if a delivery notice is legitimate, check the tracking number at the Australia Post or other delivery company website, or call them directly using a number you find from an online search or the phone book.”

        “While with friends and family over the holidays, consider taking the opportunity to spread the warnings about these scams particularly to those loved ones who may be vulnerable.” Ms Rickard said.


        Thursday 15th November 2018

        Another Computer Store is thrilled to announce zippay is here.

        The smarter way to pay for what you want today.  Own what you want. Pay how you like.

        Interest free, nothing to pay upfront, flexible repayments



        Wednesday 17th October 2018


        Don't Gift a scammer iTunes Card



        Monday 24th September 2018

        Scammers are very cleaver and they only want your money.  The ACCC is warning people to be on the lookout for scammers who are trying to con people into paying for scams with Apple iTune Gift Cards.

        These scammers call you and pretend you have computer viruses or problems which they can fix.  They ask you to go to a local store to purchase these gift cards, while they have you on the phone.  They pretend this is the payment they need so they can fix your problems.  Once the cards have been activated they ask for the serial number, which they use to sell.

        What to do: Hang up on the scammer and delete any emails. 

        If you have been scammed, contact us and we will check your computer to ensure the scammers haven't left anything more malicious behind.


        Another Computer Store receives “Business of the Year 2017 Award


        Tuesday 2nd May 2017

        Back in 2006, a thriving, growing business in the back blocks of South Launceston took the bold next step to join an Australia-Wide buying group. Another Computer Store has never looked back from partnering with the Leading Edge Computer Group.

        Always growing and changing within the volatile IT Industry, it became evident that ACS needed to expand into a larger workshop and space.  Business man and entrepreneur Geoff Daw sought new, high profile premises and after years of searching – looked at the then AE Jack premises on the corner of Bathurst and Frederick Streets.

        He took all his staff through the working steel foundry and enthusiastically shared his vision for a new Another Computer Store to be born.

        In November 2015, the move was complete and the difference was instant. New, highly visible and with a determined, talented team, the computer sales and service giant has surpassed all expectations.

        Commitment to clients and detail has paid off with the ultimate award being presented to the store at the Leading Edge Computer Conference held on the Gold Coast last weekend. Competing against 132 stores nation wide, the “Business of the Year 2017” award is highly esteemed and was received with honor and pride by Geoff Daw, Leesa Austin and Toby Martin.

        A Launceston Business with its heart set on providing amazing service has been recognised within its own industry by a Leading and respected organization.